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Dear Colleagues.

I bring you greetings on behalf of the Executive Committee of CPHSAA-USA. I hope and pray that all is well with you and your entire household. It is my sincere pleasure to provide you with the following updates on the progress of our Association.:

1. The Water System Project is still progressing satisfactorily. However, due to the heavy down pour of rain, the contractors have stopped work. The contractors have reached 40 feet and came across a big bed of rock that is preventing them from accessing the flow of water before the down pour of rain. This is raining season in the country. Due to the amount of rain water in the hole, the contactors were advised by both the Principal Annie Sleweon and Mr. David Erskine (our Project Coordinator}, to stop work. I informed the EC (Executive Committee) and they agreed that the contractors should stop work immediately to avoid any disaster from happening. The EC also advised the President to instruct Principal Sleweon and the contractors to seal off the area to prevent the students approaching that vicinity. This directive was delivered to the both the Principal and Project Coordinator.

2. The Executive Committee has approved to hold a General Meeting on August 18, 2021, to abreast the General Membership of the progress and the State of the Association. The meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. To access the meeting, please see the link below.

Topic: CPHSAA General Meeting

Time: August 8, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 8568 3126

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Meeting ID: 851 8568 31263.

3. Request for 2021 Dues. Please be reminded to pay your 2021 Annual Dues. Payments can be sent to the Financial Secretary, Mrs. Anna C. Barlee. Please review the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws. It is very important for all members to be familiar with the Bylaws, especially the below articles:

• Article III, Sec. 3&4 Article III, Sec. 3: Membership Dues. Each member shall be obligated to pay regular dues to the Association in the amount to be determined by the members of the Association. Any member who is in arrears will, after due notification from the Association, have his/her membership inactivated.

• Article III, Section 4: Good Standing Good standing as defined by this constitution shall mean being duly registered, attending meetings regularly, being current with payment of annual dues, actively participating in the affairs of the Association and being compliant with the Association’s Code of Conduct.

• Article X, Section I (b). A member of the Association shall be suspended for the following reasons: Failure to pay annual dues.

Colleagues, I appeal to all members, especially the elected and appointed officers to meet your financial obligation to the Association by paying your annual dues. All elected and appointed officers of the Association should show the example and leadership for the general membership to follow. It is very important for all members to be current in their annual dues payment and, also continue to make contributions to the Association’s initiatives. As always, we will be transparent in providing information to you and will also be accountable for your resources.

4. Convention 2022 is tentatively scheduled for August 12 -14. More details will be provided after the General Meeting, which is scheduled to be help on August 8, 2021. All members are advised to please attend the ensuing meeting to voice their opinions. Please see meeting information mentioned supra.

Thank you, be blessed, and safe.


A. Senyon Tatus


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